Tuesday 25 November 2014

Audience Research

For my audience research I will be asking a lot of different questions.  These could be some of them.

What genre of music do you like?
What makes an artist memorable?
Do you watch music videos?
How often do you watch music videos?
What makes a good music video? 
Name an artist?

There I may present this information by using a:
  • Survey 
  • Vox Pop
  • Focus Group
  • Questionnaire 
  • Interviews
Artist use their music video as a way of promoting their song. Especially if they are a new artist and want to create a fan base and have more publicity. 

An example of synergy would be the artists Ariana Grande and the weeknd collaborating, as they are two different types of artists. Although they came together and made this song, to connect their fan bases together and for higher youtube views.

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